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Dosha Quiz

Discover your Dosha:

It’s time to meet yourself where you are.

Learn how your natural approach to work and life can both benefit and hinder you on your academic journey. Maximize your strengths and learn to balance your opportunities through this quiz and offering below.

"Go with your gut,": there is no right or wrong here. 3 sections, 5 minutes total.


Receive your results as a pdf or track on your own and tallying how many a/b/c answers you are selecting.

Who we are

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Betsy and I were in the same cohort for our 300 hour registered yoga teacher training at In Balance Yoga studio in Blacksburg, VA circa 2019. As our training and experiences as teachers and practitioners grew, our relationship blossomed as well.


We shared something else as well: As elder millennials we shared times pouring over magazines for

We create this brief dosh quiz to introduce the sister science of yoga, called Ayurveda, to you. Yoga is about embodiment and enlightenment. Ayurveda is a healthcare system to nourish your vessel in whatever season you are in.


I have found that we academics are in different seasons across semesters and career trajectories. 


We tested the quiz with nine scholars to get feedback on the examples and content. We cannot wait to see what this helps you explore about yourself and your patterns, and how to use the natural world to come back to balance.

More from Betsy here:





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