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Please use this page to explore more about Intentional Vibrations Yoga Wellness retreat offered annually in Nosara, Costa Rica.







IVY Wellness:

Intentional Vibrations Yoga to Balance Your Chakra System on and Off the Mat

April 12-19, 2025

Nosara, Costa Rica

Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort


Retreat Information

What's included:

  • 7 nights stay in the world-famous Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort

    • Rooming options detailed below

    • There are four different types of accommodations, with different amenities and options to suit your financial and social needs.

    • Pricing is per person and provided below.

    • Please note that all accommodations are first come, first served.

  • 3 incredible buffet meals per day

    • Each day consists of a cuisine theme. Coffee, tea available.

    • Buffet is open most of the day, exact times tba

    • Additional options, not included

    • Please send any dietary restrictions to Samantha by March 15th.

    • Shuttles to and from Bodhi will be coordinated on your behalf so you can arrive and depart with ease (Liberia, CR to Nosara and Nosara, CR to Liberia)

    • Golf cart to beach

    • Bicycle rentals

  • Yoga 

    • Morning and evening classes 60 minutes

    • Chakra inspired movement, breathwork, and intention:

      • Sunday: Grounding

      • Monday: Being in flow and generating ideas

      • Tuesday: Strength through adversity

      • Wednesday: Open heartedness and self-compassion

      • Thursday: Speaking your truth

      • Friday: Listening to your intuition

      • Friday/Saturday: Surrendering to the unknown

    • Workshops:

      • Arm balance workshop

      • Inversion workshop

      • Deep rest

    • Please let us know if you want any 1:1 sessions

  • Coordinating transportation to and from airport*

  • Coordination of transportation to Coyol mountaintop restaurant (optional)

What's not included:

  • Airfare: You need to book your flight separately. You are financially responsible for any missed or canceled flights. We suggest travel insurance or refundable tickets as needed.

  • Additional excursions: All additional excursions can be booked at the front desk

  • Gratuities: 10% is customary in Costa Rica

  • Additional food or beverages:

    • A smoothie bar and bar for lite fare are open in the interim

    • Espresso and alcoholic beverages

  • Cost of transportation to/from the airport (we will coordinate your shuttle, and payment will be on your room charges)

  • Cost of Coyol meal (each individual will pay separately)

"The resort completely exceeded my expectations. The room, food, public spaces and shalas were spectacular. I’ve been telling everybody in my life how great it was!"

"It was wonderful! I loved the mix of teachings with the asana, and I also enjoyed that we focused on a different chakra each day. The shalas are magical places, I’ve never felt so protected and safe in a yoga class. It was like being in a womb. They are my favourite spaces at Bodhi Tree."


Payment structure

A nonrefundable $500 deposit is due immediately to reserve the room, and will apply to your total package. Prices include credit card transaction and handling fee. Early bird pricing ends 12/21/24.

​Payment 1: $500 immediately

Payment 2: 50% of remainder (room - $500 deposit) on or before February 1st, 2025

Payment 3: Final payment on or before March 1st, 2025

Payment process is to simply email Samantha (, she will send you a private registration link (this process ensures we do not oversell the rooms or room types). There are additional occupancy options, so please reach out. 

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Meet the Hosts

We share our credentials and experiences below

but, above all, we want to see you flourish.



The resort was incredible. The stairs and hills would be a challenge for people with mobility limitations. While it was incredibly hot, I could always slip away to my room to cool off in the A/C. My roommate was fantastic! Meeting someone new was an important part of my transformative experience. While the trip was not cheap, it was more than worth it to be in such an awe-inspiring area (Nosara) and have incredible hospitality (Bodhi). I can't imagine a better food setup - delicious, healthy, variety, etc.  

WOW, I absolutely LOVED everything that was offered in this retreat!!! The location was fabulous (in a gorgeous JUNGLE in Costa Rica), loved the humidity and heat, food was fabulous (the most fresh produce + proteins, incredible flavours, delicious juices - more like flavoured water as Bodhi Tree 'gets' not too sweet!). Having my own room/space was a must for me at this time in my life and I very much enjoyed my quiet, cozy + stunning accommodation. I can't WAIT to come back next year.


This retreat has been transformative for me. I feel more connected, more loved, and more open to life’s opportunities. There was magic in the air that week, we all felt it - I give credit to Bodhi Tree and Costa Rica, but especially to the nurturing and warm care of the hosts Samantha and Calleigh. They’re so inclusive, supportive, and kind, they gave us the gift of a carefree week where we had no worries or responsibilities except to enjoy ourselves. They gave a lot of themselves to us, and it’s very much appreciated ❤️

I will always come back if the opportunity presents itself again.

Before the trip, I thought of yoga as a practice encompassing strength, flexibility, and meditation that people could customize to suit their need. I still believe that is true. But, I was surprised by just how transformative the immersive experience would be. Having twice daily sessions let me explore the different tools I might bring home with me. I did not expect to have two yoga instructors who were so adept. I am so impressed by their ability to guide a group with a huge variation in ability and experience.


Frequently Asked Questions

Where are we headed?


About Nosara

Nosara includes 4 breath-taking beaches each with its own unique features:  Playas Guiones, Pelada, Ostional y Garza. The latter two are a bit farther and the former two are within < 15 min walk/ride/tuk tuk distance. There is a “jungle path” about 2 min from Bodhi that connects you to town for all shopping needs: bank, grocery, souvenirs, clothing, pharmacy, etc. with the big “Nosara” sign.


About Bodhi

“The Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort was creatively designed around nature, leaving the surrounding jungle as it was meant to be. We continuously strive to be as environmentally friendly as possible by preserving the jungle’s natural state, leaving the impression that Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort has been here for many years.

Here at Bodhi Tree, we take water management very seriously. We make sure every drop of water is used efficiently and sparingly. We’ve built our own water treatment plant, so no water is wasted. The water from our treatment plant is used to irrigate the gardens, keeping our lush grounds green without draining subcutaneous water supplies. We utilize the sun with solar panels to heat all the hot water required for the resort. We are also very proud to be a plastic free facility. Through education and consistent effort, we’re working to make Bodhi Tree a consciously green and environmentally friendly resort.”

Bodhi Spa Note: If you plan to book, you can if you would like any spa treatments, I would recommend calling 2 weeks in advance. 

I have more questions!


  • What will the weather be like in late April to early May?

27.1°C | 80.8°F- 31.5°C | 88.7°F


  • I might have some work to do, what’s the reception like?

The resort has perfect reception and a backup generator.


  • Are travel days built into April 12-April 19th or do I need to account for travel time?

Our expectation is that folks will arrive on the 12th and depart on the 19th. You can of course shorten your stay and if we can sell the room, you can be reimbursed. Alternatively, you can attempt to extend your stay directly with the front desk as well.

  • Around what time would we be at the airport on the last day?

It's a 2.5-3 hour shuttle from Nosara to Liberia CR. I think easiest is to have a > 12pm flight on Saturday. Saturday check out is kind of wild, so most people leave (there's a big exodus at 7:30, 9, 10:30, 12pm). You could also transition to like a Holiday Inn by the airport since a) it's not likely you could stay in your room (they are usually Sat-Sat bookings) and b) it would get you closer to the airport for the longer day. 


  • Are there any excursions planned? Or could we go and explore on our own?

We would not coordinate any but there are a lot of incredible ones we would recommend. Most of the tours offered by Bodhi are on their website and we will share a PDF of all offerings closer to departure time.


  • I speak zero Spanish (I want to learn a few phrases before I go), will I need a translator?

Most people who work with/interact with tourists have proficient English. The "tuk tuk" drivers (like mini open air taxis) can converse about locations and prices. I did not know any Spanish on my first trip.


  • Is the resort within walking distance to the closest town and/or beach?

Yes, it's a perfect location. You are on a hill, so you cannot hear the sounds of town or the road but you are a 3 minute golf cart (free ride); 10 min bike ride; 20 min walk to the beach and you are a 10/20 min walk (depending on going to south or north Guiones); 2 min tuk tuk or 5 min bike ride to town. Bikes and golf carts are available for free whenever you want them. Tuk tuks to town and back are about $7 each


  • Any packing suggestions?

    • Bring a separate photo copy of your passport (there are safes in each room)

    • Easy flip flips for molasses and dirt roads

    • All prescriptions, with the script, in original bottles for customs

    • Organic/coral reef friendly sunscreen

    • Bug spray

    • Day bag

    • Water bottle

Our contact information

Samantha Harden


P: +1.540.838.5075.

Calleigh Fangmeyer


P: +1. 571.334.1280

Bodhi Tree Front Desk



*WhatsApp is best while in country


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