Samantha M Harden, PhD, 500 RYT | The Flourishing Professor
LIFT Program Overview
We have provided steps for before, during, and after LIFT delivery including documentation and strategies for successful delivery. Please contact your state leadership for assistance on state-specific needs, including future trainings.
All LIFT material is under copyright. Please cite:Harden SM, Wilson ML, Estabrooks PA, and Members of the Physical Activity Leadership Team of Virginia Cooperative Extension. (2018). Lifelong Improvements through Fitness Together Program Manual. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech.
If you still have questions, please email the principal investigator, Samantha Harden (harden.samantha@vt.edu)
LIFT Training Lecture Series
Welcome & Overview
Physical Activity Guidelines
Take a Break! Go Outside
Background & History
What it Takes to
Deliver LIFT
Take a Break! Move Your Body
Evaluating & Sharing Impacts
Wrap up & Overview
LIFT References
Real world impacts!
"One participant shared that prior to LIFT, she: was completely walker dependent, unable to dress herself, had poor balance, and low energy. She had hip surgery six months prior and set a LIFT goal for herself to become less reliant on her walker and more independent. Since participating in LIFT: she has increased her stamina and energy, improved her range of motion, can touch her toes, her balance has improved, can do more things for herself (dress herself, fix her hair, put on her socks, tie her shoes) and does not use her walker in her room area anymore. One of her biggest accomplishments came with the wide leg squats. During the assessment, she wasn't able to do any, but by the end of the 8 weeks, was able to do 12."- North Carolina, August 2022
How can LIFT help with
daily functioning?
What are the physical activity guidelines(PAG)?
How can I achieve 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise?
Before: PLAN
LIFT Program Materials
We want to support your success with a few resources and ideas. You know your community best and what your community needs so you can use our resources as they are, or you can use them as inspiration!
Where is the best place to offer LIFT? Do you have the equipment you need?
How can you access participants with the greatest need?
Who do you know has the greatest social media presence to help spread the word?
Where can you post a flyer to let people know about your upcoming program?
Prior to Running the Program
Orientation prepares each individual for LIFT
During orientation you will collect paperwork and data. Consent forms, health screening and functional fitness information will be collected.
Are your participants healthy enough to participate in LIFT?
Do you have informed consent from participants to be part of data collection for LIFT research?
Do your participants want to see their baseline and post program functional fitness scores and changes as the LIFT program progresses?
Slidedeck for Orientation
Complete the Pre-Program Survey and
Pre-Program Functional Fitness assessment
Keep these documents for your records
Each of your participants must fill out a Participant Consent form, a PARQ+ form, and a Physician Authorization form prior to orientation. Collect these documents during orientation.
Each of the 16 LIFT classes are
unique and engaging!
LIFT Program Manual
All 16 LIFT classes are outlined in the LIFT Program Manual. The design of classes is evidence-based, pulling from social psychology and exercise science.
8 Core Strength Training Exercises
Group Dynamics to facilitate communication and help form relationships
Promotion of increased fruit and vegetable consumption
Encouragement to get out and move, 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week
Process Evaluation
Every session be sure to fill out the Process Evaluation. Tell us how you modified LIFT during each session to make it work best for your group!
HOT TIP: Bookmark this page so you can fill out the Process Evaluation every session!
Materials for Instructors - During the Program
Group Cohesion Strategies Document
Create group cohesion with goal setting strategies and introduction games listed in this document.
Session-by-Session Guide for Class Instructors
A comprehensive guide for each of the class session in LIFT - including session objectives, preparation, session outlines, nutrition basics, group activities, and homework and reminders.
Do(s) and Don't(s) of the Core LIFT Exercises
Make sure your participants are doing the exercises correctly! For each of the core 13 exercises do and don'ts are listed so common mistakes can be avoided.
Exercise and Warm Up Modifications
Potential modifications for LIFT exercises for ease.
If-Then Statements Document
If-then statements for what is safe to do during exercises and how to progress through the LIFT exercises if you need something more challenging.
LIFT+ Exercises
Modifications for increased difficulty. Click here to see the video examples.
Session-by-Session Breakdown of Group Dynamics Strategies Used in Each LIFT Session
Learn what evidence-based strategies are used for each LIFT session.
These resources are for participants to use and keep!
Fruit, Vegetable, and Activity Tracker
Ask participants to bring this form to each class so you can track progress, encourage improvements and celebrate their positive changes! This form is designed for speed and ease of use for Older Adults.
HOT TIP: Have your participants bring this every class session so you can track their progress!
I can, I will, I must
In session 5, participants can develop goals and an action plan with these "I can, I will, I must" cards.
Exercise Flip Chart
Either print this document or email this document to participants so they have a guide for the core LIFT exercises. Having this guide will allow them to practice the exercises at home!
After: Evaluate
Directly after the program, complete the Post-Program Survey and Post-Program Functional Fitness Assessment!
6-Month follow up data collection helps solidify relationships and measure impact!
We want to know who has continued to move and who hasn't. Participants often want to track their progress formally and are motivated to continue moving when they can see their results change.
Which areas of functional fitness show the greatest improvements?
Did people who attended more classes see more progress?
Are there any supportive relationships formed during LIFT that are supporting participants to continue moving?
Did participants change their fruit and vegetable consumption?
Complete these two forms at the 6 month follow-up! (6 months after finishing the 8-week program)
Are you with VCE?
Complete the online assessments from the links below. Notify Samantha that you have completed them for annual impact statements.
After: Evaluate
Directly after the program, complete the Post-Program Survey and Post-Program Functional Fitness Assessment!
(with new balance & flexibility options)
(older balance & flexibility options)
BEGINNER: Click on the links below to view the exercise clip tutorials.
(the links are attached to the underlined exercises below)
LIFT EXERCISES: Participants must complete the exercises below over the course of 16, 1-hour sessions before they can complete the LIFT+ Exercises. These exercises must be done in this exact order every time.
Goal: Complete 2 sets of 10 repetitions within each hour of LIFT.
Exercise 1: Wide-leg squat
Exercise 2: Standing leg curl
Exercise 3: Knee extension
Exercise 4: Side hip raise
Exercise 5: Biceps curls
Exercise 6: Overhead press
Exercise 7: Bent over fly
Exercise 8: Toe Stand
Cool down:
Stretch 1: Tree Pose
Stretch 2: Seated figure Four
Stretch 3: Pyramid Pose
Stretch 4: Half Moon Pose
Stretch 5: Back Scratch Stretch
Looking to Train Others to Facilitate LIFT?
Extension Agents
Master Food Volunteers
Previous LIFT Participants
Master Food Volunteers
Previous LIFT Participants
Trained Master Food Volunteers cannot train anyone -
talk to your agent and see about co-hosting!
Look below for more information!
Training Preparation
1) Read through the Training Checklist
2) Download Training PowerPoint
3) Have participants take Pre-Training Survey prior to starting training